Logos and Branding

JR Beauty

This brand is a fictional makeup company that specializes in cruelty-free makeup. Completed in late 2017.

BFFL Site Logo

This is the logo used on the Bundy Fantasy Football League website. Most users are located in northern Minnesota. Completed in mid 2017.

ASE Branding

This is a design set created for the Annual Student Exhibition for UMD. The task was to complete a poster, Instagram Post, and set of stickers. The patches on the backpack symbolize the different types of art major’s work to be shown off in the exhibition. Completed in early 2018.

Chimera Clan

Chimera Clan is a fictional organization dedicated to creating prosthetics for people that are in need for them. It was inspired by the character Claus from Mother 3. Completed Spring 2019.

Recessive Jeans

Recessive Jeans is a fictional clothing store styled in a similar fashion to Hot Topic or Journey’s. It’s based of of an original character of mine’s band.
Completed early 2019.

Quirk It Identity Manual

Quirk It is a fictional social movement about the benefits of cosplay. The manual consists of everything one needs to know about the movement. Initially completed Fall 2018. Finalized Spring 2019.

Safeway Scarf Identity Manual

Safeway Scarf is a fictional scarf created for those that suffer from asthma. The goal was to create an item that’s intended for a specific group of people, but can be used by all. Above are website and app mockups. The PDF link shows more design work and product backstory. Completed Spring 2019.